Lique Schoot (NL, 1969) was born in Arnhem-NL, the city where she currently lives and works.
ArtEZ – Academy of Fine Arts, Arnhem, NL. Graduated in 1997
2012 – Masterclass: ACF – Presentation Photography, Amsterdam, NL
2016 – 2020 – Mondriaan Fund – Working Grant for Proven Talent, Amsterdam, NL
2013 – Women’s and Gender Studies, USA
2012 – Mondriaan Fund – Project Museum Bronbeek, Amsterdam, NL
2003 – 2008 – Federal Grants Foundation for Visual Arts, Amsterdam, NL
Selected Awards and Nominations
2014 – New Dutch Photography Talent 2015, Amsterdam, NL (catalogue)
2013 – Finalist RPS International Print Exhibition 156, The Royal Photographic Society, UK (catalogue)
2004 – 3rd Prize: Gaver Award, Waregem, BE (catalogue)
Selected Exhibitions
A.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn NY, USA
Be-Part, BE (visitor guide)
CODA Museum, NL (visitor guide)
FeliXart Museum, BE
Gorcums Museum, NL
Het Valkhof Museum, NL (catalogue)
Koehnline Museum of Art, USA (catalogue)
Kunstverein Mϋnchen, DE (visitor guide)
Museum van Bommel van Dam, NL (catalogue)
Museum Bronbeek, NL (catalogue)
Museum Kurhaus Kleve, DE (visitor guide)
Museum SONS, BE
Museum Waterland, Purmerend, NL (catalogue)
Phoenix Art Museum, USA
Rencontres d’Arles, FR
WM Gallery, Chicago IL, USA
Selected Publications
Visitor Guide: ‘XIII Salon der Kϋnstler’, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, DE
Catalogue: ‘Sequences 16 (3×6)’, LSbooks, NL
Catalogue: ‘Song of Herself’, LSbooks, NL
Catalogue: ‘Collection Catalogue 2010 – 2014’, Museum van Bommel van Dam, NL
Catalogue: ‘New Dutch Photography Talent 2015’, x Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, NL
Catalogue: ‘Raw Beauties‘, Galerie Vevais, NL
Catalogue: ‘RPS International Print Exhibition 156, The Royal Photographic Society, UK
Catalogue: ‘Bronbekers in Beeld‘, Foundation NOX, NL
Selected Art Libraries
Cobra Museum, Amstelveen, NL
Foam, Amsterdam, NL
FotoMuseum Antwerpen, BE
ING Art Collection, NL
Hellenic Center for Photography, GR
Huis Marseille, Museum for Photography, NL
Koehnline Museum of Art, Des Plaines, IL, USA
Museum Hilversum, NL
Municipal Museum / Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, NL
Museum of Modern Art Arnhem, NL
Museum Kurhaus Kleve, DE
Netherlands Institute for Art History / Modern Art, The Hague, NL
Rencontres d’Arles Library, FR
The Valkhof Museum, Nijmegen, NL
Zines of the Zone, FR
Public, private and museum collections in- and outside the Netherlands
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