- Self-portraits 05 11 25 and 05 12 11
- Series Pillow Portraits
- 2006 / 11
- Oil on canvas
- 2x 100 x 100 cm I 2x 39.4 x 39.4 in
Indonesian DNA
November 09, 2014 – January 25, 2015
CODA Museum shows in cooperation with the Foundation Indonesian Heritage and ACEC, Indonesian DNA – inspiration from the Netherlands, Dutch East Indies and Indonesia. This dual exhibition shows a selection of works by contemporary artists of Indonesian origin and works by artists from the 20th century. Frans Leidelmeijer, Art and Antiques expert, co-operated with this initiative and speaks at both openings.
Contemporary Artists
Aimee Rhemrev, André Kruysen, Armando Ello, Ben Manusama, Charles Hubert, Cora Samathini, Danielle Lemaire, Edith Bons, Esther Stasse, Feng, Hadassah Emmerich, Henk Mual, Iene Ambar, Inge de Vries, Ingrid van der Hoeven, Joyce Bloem, Lique Schoot, Louis Nagelkerke, Margot Annuschek, Max Kisman, Merapi Obermayer, Natalie Ypma, Peter van Dongen, Ready2Rumbl, Remona Poortman, Ronald Meulman, Shelly Lapré, and Tiong Ang.
Artists of the 20th Century
Alex van Ravenswaay, Carl Wirtz, Charles Wolff Schoemaker, Corry Muhlenfeld, Ernest Dezentjé, Etie van Rees, Jan Lavies, Jan Toorop, Judith Ryan, Kho Liang le, Ries Mulder, Thea Gerard, Wijnand Otto, and Jan Nieuwenkamp.
Carin Reinders, Director CODA Museum and Frans Leidelmeijer, Art and Antique Expert.
CODA Museum
Vosselmanstraat 299
7311 CL Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
Roggestraat 44
7311 CD Apeldoorn
The Netherlands