Lique Schoot, Here She Is, There She Goes (June 2007, April 2017)

September 27  –  October 19, 2018

The International Group Exhibition ‘Nevertheless She Persisted: Women of Courage, Tenacity, and Strength’ shows work that celebrates women who persist, in all media, including performance artists. The focus is on women in the US or globally – in a contemporary or historical context, in either the public or private sphere.
The exhibition is sponsored by the Koehnline Museum of Art and the Women’s Gender Studies Program.

Nevertheless She Persisted: Women of Courage, Tenacity, and Strength, Oakton Community College/Koehnline Museum of Art, 2018, Des Plaines, IL, USA

Koehnline Museum of Art
1600 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL (near Chicago)